Accessories for Screen Printing Machines by TAS
TAS supply an extensive range of accessories to compliment our machinery, including flash cure units, tunnel dryers, graphic tester and various sizes of pallets and squeegees.
Infra-Red or Quartz Flash Cure Units
Available in Quartz Medium Wave or Infra-red versions Infra-red: FC1818, FC1822, FC2126, FC2432, FC2440 and FC3248 Quartz: QF 4550, QF5880, QF4560 and QF76100
Flock Machine
Simple Operation
Allows Precise Automatic Flock Application
Available in Flock Sizes:
36cm x 42cm or 50cm x 45cm
Graphic Testers
Available in Compact CX and Hawk HX series sizes Other sizes available upon request
Available in up to 4 colours
Print Area of 40” x 50” (101cm x 127cm)
Larger sizes Available on Request
Servo Driven
A one meter “Drone” extension module can be fitted to the dryer with minimum cost implications, but actually connects and feeds off the air distribution from the main oven burner system to give a `true` hot air supply to the `drone` section. The Super Heat dryer range can also be fitted with Infra-Red Preheat, Extraction hoods, Split Belt & cooling options to ensure total suitability for all drying and curing requirements. Specification upon request.
Additional Pallets, Floodbars, Squeegees, etc
Custom made Pallets, Floodbars and Squeegees etc available upon request.